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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ASA Tests Deep-Space Network Modeled On the Internet

NASA Tests Deep-Space Network Modeled On the Internet |
| from the here-hold-this dept. |
| posted by kdawson on Tuesday November 18, @19:31 (Networking) |
| |

hcg50a writes "NASA has successfully tested the first [0]deep space
communications network modeled on the Internet. Working as part of a
NASA-wide team, engineers from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, CA, used software called Disruption-Tolerant Networking, or
DTN, to transmit dozens of space images to and from a NASA science
spacecraft located about 20 million miles from Earth. The
store-and-forward protocol was designed by NASA in consultation with Vint
Cerf. Here's a discussion from last July [1]before the test began."

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

nice work

visit my site

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